Monday, January 5, 2015

Tears of Disbelief (c) January 5, 2015

Tears of Disbelief
by Ritzy Rithaupt

Tears, tears, so many tears
How can this be?

When only happiness is wanted
The blissful stuff that makes
The light shine from your eyes
As you laugh and giggle, filled with joy

The pain comes strong stomping on your heart
Bouncing up and down within your chest
Screaming for release, for something to alter
To bring back the happy times

The change greets you daily
The loss beats you more than any other experience
By any living thing

The empty chair you tried to cover
Using heaps of clothing, books, papers and boxes
Alas, it is still a huge empty chair
Glaring back strangely at the loss of being happy

The gentle one that filled that chair with human emotions:
Love, caring, desire, friendship, sharing and
Always being there for you is now
Gone, gone, gone, gone

The finality overwhelms ones soul, as though
Being smacked by a friends hand across the face
The sting of their fingers makes bright red marks
Setting the stage for the emptiness

Abandoned once again, the path has narrowed
Allowing only one to create happiness out of darkness
The task is harrowing beyond one’s belief

The desire to be strong is weakening
The desire to falter is overwhelming

Strength comes from within the marrow
Pushing one down the path of life
Resisting and kicking
The passing of time at
The loss of a dearly beloved

copyrighted January 5, 2015 All Rights Reserved