Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Fruit + Spinach + Oatmeal + Almond Milk Smoothie 26 oz. apx 263 Calories

This Smoothie is delicious and you will not realize you’re drinking a good serving of Spinach. Very filling and will stick with you. 

Contains apx: 55 g carbs, 3 g fat, 5 g protien, 105 g sodium, 33 g sugar. If you're a diabetic please be aware of sugar amount.
Makes 26 oz apx.

1 banana raw
1 Red Delicious Apple raw
1/4 C frozen pineapple Trader Joe's
6 Green seedless Grapes
1/4 C Quick Oatmeal
2 C Spinach fresh Trader Joe's
4 oz Almond Milk

Place items as listed, into Blendtec.
Blend using Smoothie setting.

No almond milk on hand, substitute with your favorite liquid using 4 oz. Be aware substitute may change the flavor and calorie count.

(I had a problem with the sugar level and had a teaspoon of peanut butter to offset that shaky feeling from the rush of sugar. I was throwing in things to use up items I had on hand.)