Friday, June 3, 2016


Forever and Ever
Every day I miss you
The pain of loss cuts deep
My tears sting my wounds
My walk is slow filled with memories of you
Remembering the way you held me
A protective touch reassuring and supportive
Always by my side listening and being as one
We had our own way of thinking
Together we stood strong, giving to each other
Assistance when needed rather asked or not
Acceptance that glowed whenever we touched
You made my life beautiful
As with the rising sun
A new gift for each day
Precious love shared in a kiss
Two lips that touched sending sparks to eternity
Knowing I was your precious one, echoes in my dreams
Tears stream down my cheeks as I write
A letter to my beloved I send into the night
Knowing you will always be by my side
I will love you forever
I know you will be at the end of the light
Waiting for me with an out stretched hand
When the light rises above the mountain tops early morn'
I know it is my love sending me blessings for the day
For we are connected in a romance that last forever
 © 2016 Arlene Ritzy Ritzhaupt

After viewing this post on Facebook the above words poured from my soul

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Losing the Love of Your Life

by Ritzy Ritzhaupt

When you have had a profound love you are able to pick up the pieces and move forward once again. It may take a great deal of time with lots of revisiting of  what once was, but movement forward will happen. It feels as though the glow of what was is only an afterthought of what should have been.

The shock of loss leaves one spinning in a desperate attempt to find what was safe. No more are there the supporting hands of comfort. There is only the brutal reality that no one has the time or really cares what happens now that you are all alone. You must have gained enough reassurance from your union to trudge forward to make a new existence that will allow you to smile from time to time or even laugh out loud. The pain of loss will bear its marks with running tears.

Knowing you were once cherished, should bring you to a new destiny that allows you to tower over all others that walk the earth. They can only hope for a touch to soften their day or a word that will encourage them to brilliance. Where as you that have suffered the loss of a beloved, have already deliciously, devoured the knowledge that you have achieved the goal to be cherished. 

copyrighted 2016 all rights reserved

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


by Ritzy Ritzhaupt

Reaches the brain
Sad or happy
Blues, Country, Rock
Chamber or Opera

Feeds the feelings
Creates a refuge
For the soul to heal
The heart to become whole
The body to mend
The stride to lighten

A safe haven
Where emotions evolve
Lips smile
Happiness grows
Caring becomes sharing

 Copyright 2016 
All rights reserved

Saturday, January 23, 2016

LOVE - What is it? by Ritzy Ritzhaupt

LOVE - What is it?   by Ritzy Ritzhaupt

What is it?
Does it glow in the dark?
Does it speak to you?
Does it sparkle?
Does it embrace you?

Captures all
Holding you
Sharing random freedom
Engulfing the total you
Camping out in your heart
Bleeding all stress
Freeing the total being

Captures your flavor
Holds your heart
Mind, body and soul
Savoring each fiber of self

Holds all dear
Dissolves treacherous storms
Rebels all discomfort
Streamlines the beauty of you
Making self, acceptable to self
Granting friendship at all levels

Develops self
Like a newly charged battery
Engulfing each strife with ease
Growing to a new height

Becomes a solid entity
All beauty glows radiantly
Solid within self
Offering others a new chance
New steps to redemption

Blooms within all
Captures all in its grasp
Changing lives in one fell swoop
Blessed are all
By the beauty of the simple form of

All right reserved 2016

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Newness Sparkles with Delight

by Ritzy Ritzhaupt

The newness sparkles with delight
How can I tell you, you are everything?
In a way you will believe. 

What must I do to earn your respect?
My feelings glow with the wonder
Of the riches of grandeur you share 

The sparkle of caring
Beyond words or charm
The wonderment saturates my being
Touching my inner most thoughts 

A look from you sends my 
Soul soaring to the stars
You give me love beyond the moon 

Stardust floats between us
Connecting us in every way
Making life a blessing
A heartfelt romp of feelings
A joy to behold for evermore

These words came to me in a moment, in a rush that demanded to be shared. I met another Thomas tonight. Share with your wife Thomas. Blessings to all!

Yes, this is a great part of Ed and I. 

by Ritzy Ritzhaupt 
Copyright 2016 all rights reserved