Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy 50th Birthday!


You have accomplished a tremendous feat,
Passing half a century and maintaining your glorious smile.
Gives credit to the fact you have created your own life

Never believe those that say
You are now, “Over the hill”!
It’s not true! Nope, not at all!

Passing the five-zero mark
Gives you dignity and grace
Rather you realize it or not.

When you awake each morning
You are given a blessing for just being here
Sharing in the art, of the magic of your life

Once you are over this imaginary line
Nothing can stop you from being everything,
You have ever wanted or dreamed of being.

It is magical and yet, so very freeing
There are no more,
Should ‘a, could ‘a, or would ‘a.
Just step out and do.

Even if you don’t succeed at first,
It’s not the end of the world.
Try harder and smarter next time
For, how do you know you can’t do,
Unless you at least try?

Do whatever it is that makes your heart sing!
Remember, I have granted you permission!
After all, if you made it this far

by Ritzy Ritzhaupt Copyright 2012 All Rights Reserved

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